Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blog for Thursday January 21st, 2016


Math- Study for tomorrow's perimeter quiz. The quiz is on linear measurement and also includes converting units of measurement. Students have been given thorough study packages to go over tonight.

Literacy- A reminder to all students that word work and blogs are to be handed in on the day where you restart your cycle. In other words. If you have word work on day 2 one week, you will give me your word week the following day 2 and begin a new package.

EQAO- Using the problem solving model to help help organize your reading responses. 

In order to understand math problems we often use the problem solving model to determine what we need to know and to make a plan to solve our problems. In literacy, we often don't think of using this model as way to think through what is being asked of us. The problem solving model can be used to assist you in creating a plan to answer reading comprehension questions in a concise and effective way.

Example question:

Explain why fly-fishing can be a fun and affordable activity. use details from the text to support your answer.

1) Understand the plan-

a) I need to say why fishing is both fun AND affordable
b) I need to refer back to the text to support my answer
c) I need to explain how I know that the text I refer to  helps prove that fly-fishing is both fun and affordable

2) Make a Plan

a) I will explain how I know that fly-fishing is both fun and affordable. If I don't remember what affordable means, I will look up the word in a dictionary.
b) Because I only have 5 lines to explain myself, I will try and find a maximum of 2 pieces of evidence that help me best explain why fly-fishing is both fun and affordable.
c) I will refer back to the text that supports my answer.
d) I will explain why this text helps support my answer.

3) Carry out the Plan

I know that fly fishing can be both fun and affordable because you can catch fish and spend time with your family, without having to buy expensive equipment such as a fancy boat. In paragraph 5, the narrator says that there is ...."plenty of fishing to be found for anglers who don't own a boat", and that simply "wading along the river bank is the most efficient and effective way to catch a fish. It would be fun to catch a lot of fish and cheaper to not need to pay thousands of dollars for a boat making fly fishing both fun and affordable. 

4) Look back at the solution

You can use this section make sure that you actually carried out your entire plan and answered all parts of the question.

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