Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blog for March 2nd, 2016

Snow Day

As many people were away today, today served as a day to review math concepts and get a head start on working on editorials.

As you hopefully know, we have started our new math unit on fractions, decimals and percentages. We have gone over how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. There is some homework to be completed tonight which should be brought into school tomorrow for review. Below are two separate videos that demonstrate how to go from mixed numbers to improper fractions and from improper fractions to mixed numbers.


I am very proud of our students for choosing editorial topics that really challenge them to learn more about the world around us. Students have chosen topics that range from "Should GMO's be legal?" to "Do pharmaceutical companies have a responsibility to provide drugs to people in developing countries?" to "Should all people have the right to a free university education?" While these are certainly difficult topics to comprehend and argue in a persuasive editorial, the research you do will hopefully open your mind to some of the important things that are going on in our world and make you take an interest in learning more about important current events.

Math Night/Book Fair Reminder

Tomorrow night is our "Math Mania" night and the beginning of our Book Fair. Students will be able to purchase books tomorrow night and on Friday during the school day. If you wish to purchase anything, please bring money with you either tomorrow evening or Friday. I look forward to seeing many of you at our math night!

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