Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Reminders for February 10th, 2016


Volume of a rectangular prism worksheet. Due tomorrow. A reminder the length x width x height will give you the response in cubic units.


Complete a well written body paragraph to the persuasive essay on cell phones in schools.


 Practice Royal Crown March bars 9-17. A reminder that Friday is the day to come in at lunch recess for your assessment on bars 1-8 if you haven't come in already.


Please see yesterday's post

Example of a well written introduction to an editorial/persuasive essay

Here is an example of a well written introduction. Every introduction must include:

1) An engaging opening sentence or paragraph that allows readers to become engaged in your editorial. Rhetorical questions (questions that are leading with an obvious answer) can be used to really allow people to understand what your argument is and begin to believe it.

2) A thesis statement/a statement that states your opinion or stance on an issue. 

3) The 3 arguments you intend to use in your body paragraphs to support your opinion

You are sitting in class when your teacher asks you find a calculator in order to complete the answer to an equation. Unfortunately the classroom does not have enough calculators and you do not have your own. Does this situation sound familiar to you? Often, students do not have the tools they need to do the work that must be completed.  Yet, if students were allowed to have cellphones in class then they would have the tools to complete many tasks that are made difficult by a lack of resources in schools. I believe cellphones should unequivocally be allowed in schools because they are an excellent educational tool, can be used in emergency situations and can be used in a safe environment where adults are there to supervise and guide students in ensuring they are using their phones in a positive way

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